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Future objectives for the allotment include a range of communal facilities for plotholders including a communal polytunnel, community hub, small tools store and community garden.
Whilst mains water will be available, we aim to head towards 100% rainwater harvesting for watering plots. Water harvesting and storage on your plot is encouraged.
Block Site Plan 2-2 (pdf)
DownloadAt least one plot holder for each plot is required to join as a member of the Eden Park Allotment Association. Each member is registered with the National Allotment Society for affiliation purposes, which with comes with additional benefits such as "allotmenteers liability insurance". Details of the insurance can be found here.
Only members named on Tenancy Agreements enjoy membership benefits.
Membership of The National Allotment Society is currently £5.00 per person. This fee covers the affiliation cost discussed above, and goes part way towards the public liability and other insurance we need to lease and run the site.
Plot rents:
50 sqm: £18 per annum.
100 sqm: £36 per annum.
150 sqm: £54 per annum.
Health and Safety Policy (pdf)
DownloadCode of Conduct (pdf)
DownloadCommittee Code of Conduct (pdf)
DownloadGDPR Policy (pdf)
DownloadApplication Process (pdf)
DownloadEPAA Livestock Policy Chickens (pdf)
DownloadPest Control Policy (pdf)
DownloadApplications, Waiting List and Eligibility Policy (pdf)
DownloadAllotmenteers Liability Insurance-Version August 2022 (pdf)
DownloadEPAA-Risk-Assessment-Sept 2023-2024 (pdf)
DownloadAllotment Inspections and Notice Guidelines (pdf)
DownloadCopyright © 2024 Eden Park Allotments Association - All Rights Reserved.